Block 2
Week #1: Sept 10-14
Monday Sept 10:
- Hand out short story textbooks, write down numbers of texts with student names
- Pre-reading activities with group "How good are you at judging others?", group definition of: evil, think/pair/share
- Short Story #1: "The Possibility of Evil", pages 163-165
- Short Story #1: "The Possibility of Evil", pages 165-170
- Reading matrix handout (chart) to accompany the story
- Page 1-2 of reading matrix due Wed
- Short reading activity: "you received a letter", fill in the handout - Teacher homework check during this time
- Short Story #1: "The Possibility of Evil", pages 171-end
- Complete reading matrix handout (chart) to accompany the story
- Discussion SYMBOLISM: PowerPoint - Give students the “symbolism” handout to fill in while we view the PowerPoint, check answer key
- Symbolism Pictionary game (prepare word cards) - activity is explained on the PowerPoint
- Writing about symbolism in the story - use “Roses symbolism” handout - HOMEWORK
- Bell Ringer (up on projector for students as they enter room) first 15 minutes of class to write about:
- Related non-fiction: fun article/quiz: "Are you a Gossip?"
- BINDER ORGANIZATION: Organization helps you to be a better student and allows me to easily access your work. Higher level and much harder courses are demanding and it is a good idea to get prepared for them now. Get binder dividers for this class. If you do not have any, use a sticky note to divide your binder into the following sections: Bell ringers, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation, Writing, Reading Activities
- Friday check in (quickly meet with each student): reading matrix, symbolism worksheets, writing
Week #2: Sept 17-21
Monday Sept 17
- Discuss the corrections
Tuesday: Sept 18
Wednesday: Sept 19
Thursday: Sept 20
- Bell ringer (sit and write the first 10 minutes of class - up on projector) : Discuss what they are (short writing or vocabulary activity at the start of class for about 10 minutes. Come into class, sit, read what is up on the projector and write down the information, write your own sentence using the word or complete the grammar/punctuation activity. This is a quiet activity, it allows the class to settle in, allows me to do attendance/get prepped. These words are used in university, LSATS, higher level writing, so it is helpful to you to learn and use them.)
- Discuss the corrections
- WRITING INTRO - take the fear away of writing! PowerPoint Presentation, SLIDES #1-17 - Prewriting: Brainstorming to Focus, narrowing your topic, free write (do not over analyze)
Tuesday: Sept 18
- Literary Terms #1: Characterization
- Characterization PowerPoint and handout to fill as we discuss
- Characterization group exercise - on PPT
- **Characterization quiz moved to next Friday
Wednesday: Sept 19
- BELL RINGER: W.O.W. WEDNESDAY - Words on Wednesday #1 ( from pdf – 3BWordWedSem2)
- WRITING INTRO - take the fear away of writing! PowerPoint Presentation, SLIDES #18-22 - adding tone, who is your audience, focus on dominant impression
- Last 20 minutes of class to work with groups on Characterization posters for presentations tomorrow (short, informal)
Thursday: Sept 20
- Characterization presentations by group - short and informal
- WRITING INTRO - take the fear away of writing! PowerPoint Presentation, SLIDES #23-24 - second draft, revision, proofreading
- Paper trade and peer editing
- HW is to type out your good copy, due Monday**
- Friday Check in (quickly meet with each student)
Week #3: Sept. 24-28
Monday: Sept 24
Tuesday: Sept 25
Wednesday: Sept 26
Thursday: Sept 27
Friday: Sept 28
- WRITING INTRO - take the fear away of writing! PowerPoint Presentation, SLIDES #25 - Complete reflection must be written out and accompany writing
- Hand in typed paragraphs and written reflections
- Begin Short Story #2: “The Metaphor” and pre-reading question on handout
Tuesday: Sept 25
- Plot PowerPoint and handout to fill as we discuss **Plot quiz next Monday
- Plot group posters (info on PowerPoint) in groups of 3-4
Wednesday: Sept 26
- BELL RINGER: W.O.W. Wednesday #2 (from pdf – 3BWordWedSem2)
- Continue Short Story #2: “The Metaphor"
- Begin the "After reading" chart on handout
- **USE INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH FORMAT WORKSHEET: hook, bridge, summary, conclusion
Thursday: Sept 27
- Finish reading "The Metaphor"
- Complete the "After reading" chart on handout as well as the short answer questions
- Review Characterization **quiz tomorrow based on the short story
Friday: Sept 28
- Characterization Quiz
- **Plot quiz is on Monday
- Sassy Sentences Booklet: Sentence Variety
- Friday Check in (quickly meet with each student)
Week #4: Oct. 1-5
Monday: Oct 1 - TOC
Tuesday: Oct 2
Wednesday: Oct 3
Thursday: Oct 4
Friday: Oct 5
- Plot quiz
- Game: Just Give the Word - in partner pairs OR Word Crimes (video, reaction questions and poster)
Tuesday: Oct 2
- Action writing: using verbal descriptors
- Synthesis Essay Intro: Compare and Contrast the two characters from "The Metaphor"
Wednesday: Oct 3
- BELL RINGER: W.O.W. Wednesday #3 (from pdf – 3BWordWedSem2)
Thursday: Oct 4
Friday: Oct 5
- Friday Check in (quickly meet with each student)