Sketchbook Challenges
1. Go outside and find a variety of different leaves. Look for interesting shapes and colours. You will need a minimum of 5 leaves.
2. Once back in class, dry your leaves off with paper towel
3. Place a leaf on the page and try to creatively visualize what it can become
4. Draw around the leaf (you can glue it down once it is completely dry)
5. Create 5 different leaf drawings
6. Being mark on CREATIVITY and QUALITY of drawings
1. Go outside and find a variety of different leaves. Look for interesting shapes and colours. You will need a minimum of 5 leaves.
2. Once back in class, dry your leaves off with paper towel
3. Place a leaf on the page and try to creatively visualize what it can become
4. Draw around the leaf (you can glue it down once it is completely dry)
5. Create 5 different leaf drawings
6. Being mark on CREATIVITY and QUALITY of drawings